Создаю файл rv_mpd.php:
Copyright RV(rvm.my.home.s@gmail.com )
All rights reserved.
part of FreeNAS (http://www.freenas.org)
function get_process_info() {
exec("mpc", $result);
return implode("\n", $result);
$pgtitle = array(gettext("Services"), gettext("MPD"));
if ($_POST) {
if (stristr($_POST['Submit'], gettext("MPD start"))) {
mwexec2(escapeshellcmd("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/musicpd start"), $output, $retval);
if (0 == $retval) {
$execmsg = gettext("The 'MPD start' has been executed successfully.");
write_log("The 'musicpd start' has been executed successfully.");
} else {
$execfailmsg = gettext("Failed to execute 'MPD start'.");
write_log("Failed to execute 'musicpd start'.");
if (stristr($_POST['Submit'], gettext("MPD stop"))) {
mwexec2(escapeshellcmd("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/musicpd stop"), $output, $retval);
if (0 == $retval) {
$execmsg = gettext("The 'MPD stop' has been executed successfully.");
write_log("The 'musicpd stop' has been executed successfully.");
} else {
$execfailmsg = gettext("Failed to execute 'MPD stop'.");
write_log("Failed to execute 'musicpd stop'.");
if (stristr($_POST['Submit'], gettext("MPD restart"))) {
mwexec2(escapeshellcmd("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/musicpd restart"), $output, $retval);
if (0 == $retval) {
$execmsg = gettext("The 'MPD restart' has been executed successfully.");
write_log("The 'musicpd restart' has been executed successfully.");
} else {
$execfailmsg = gettext("Failed to execute 'MPD restart'.");
write_log("Failed to execute 'musicpd restart'.");
if (stristr($_POST['Submit'], gettext("Play"))) {
mwexec2(escapeshellcmd("/usr/local/bin/mpc play"), $output, $retval);
if (0 == $retval) {
$execmsg = gettext("The 'MPC play' has been executed successfully.");
write_log("The 'mpc play' has been executed successfully.");
} else {
$execfailmsg = gettext("Failed to execute 'MPC play'.");
write_log("Failed to execute 'mpc play'.");
if (stristr($_POST['Submit'], gettext("Next"))) {
mwexec2(escapeshellcmd("/usr/local/bin/mpc next"), $output, $retval);
if (0 == $retval) {
$execmsg = gettext("The 'MPC next' has been executed successfully.");
write_log("The 'mpc next' has been executed successfully.");
} else {
$execfailmsg = gettext("Failed to execute 'MPC next'.");
write_log("Failed to execute 'mpc next'.");
if (stristr($_POST['Submit'], gettext("Stop"))) {
mwexec2(escapeshellcmd("/usr/local/bin/mpc stop"), $output, $retval);
if (0 == $retval) {
$execmsg = gettext("The 'MPC stop' has been executed successfully.");
write_log("The 'mpc stop' has been executed successfully.");
} else {
$execfailmsg = gettext("Failed to execute 'MPC stop'.");
write_log("Failed to execute 'mpc stop'.");
header("Location: rv_mpd.php");
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td class="tabnavtbl">
<ul id="tabnav">
<li class="tabact"><a href="rv_mpd.php" title="<?=gettext("Reload page");?>"><span><?=gettext("MPD");?></span></a></li>
<td class="tabcont">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<?php html_titleline(gettext("MPD information"));?>
<td class="listt">
<pre><textarea style="width: 98%;" id="procinfo" name="procinfo" class="listcontent" cols="95" rows="3" readonly="readonly"><?=htmlspecialchars(get_process_info());?></textarea></pre>
<form action="rv_mpd.php" method="post" name="iform" id="iform">
<div id="submit">
<input name="Submit" id="mpd_start" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?=gettext("MPD start");?>" />
<input name="Submit" id="mpd_stop" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?=gettext("MPD stop");?>" />
<input name="Submit" id="mpd_restart" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?=gettext("MPD restart");?>" />
<input name="Submit" id="Play" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?=gettext("Play");?>" />
<input name="Submit" id="Next" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?=gettext("Next");?>" />
<input name="Submit" id="Stop" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?=gettext("Stop");?>" />
<?php include("formend.inc");?>
<?php include("fend.inc");?>
И помещаю его в директорию /usr/local/www а в этой директории нахожу файлик fbegin.inc и помещаю в него строку:
$menu['services']['menuitem'][] = array("desc" => gettext("MPD"), "link" => "rv_mpd.php", "visible" => TRUE);
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